
World famous Tutankhamun gallery part of plans to revive downtown Cairo


The Cairo government unveiled on Monday four newly renovated halls of the famed Tutankhamun gallery in the Egyptian Museum as the facility undergoes a complete overhaul.

The gallery houses treasures that were found intact in 1922 along with the mummy of the 19-year-old boy king in the temple city of Luxor, and is a world famous tourist attraction.

Its renovation is part of a seven-year project to refurbish the entire Egyptian Museum overlooking Tahrir Square, and in turn revive downtown Cairo.

On Monday, Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab unveiled the newly renovated halls located at the eastern entrance of the Tutankhamun gallery.

The renovation of the museum has been aided by funds from the European Union and other international donors.

Original article by AFP
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World famous Tutankhamun gallery part of plans to revive downtown Cairo



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