
By women, for women: How two sisters are bootstrapping an online marketplace in Dubai

1175205_634361953262111_1768379416_nWhen we last chatted with the Kanaan sisters, the founders of, they were struggling with a classic problem that many young startups in the Middle East face: they were having trouble finding the right developer to take their online handicraft marketplace to the next level.

Today, almost a year and a half later, the startup is continuing to grow, employing two new team members and launching a crowdinvesting campaign on Eureeca, a move that many young startups are taking in order to find funding when institutional investors prove difficult to convince. As a young startup in Dubai trying to tackle the same problems that larger e-commerce companies are facing, Ananasa’s journey as a bootstrapped startup offers an honest look at the problems that young entrepreneurs in Dubai are solving.

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By women, for women: How two sisters are bootstrapping an online marketplace in Dubai



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