
Witty Beirut street art urges you to ride your bike

image1434560301-32964-PlaceID-0_s1000x650Beirut-based blogger Bana Bissat has found the ultimate local bike movement – exactly what the traffic-jammed city needs. Just look at these inspiring photos.

Through my university years, without any means of transportation besides, well…myself, l’d daydream of a utopian Beirut where those who bike have a right-of-way, bike racks, and their very own lane (and of course, no stigma attached to women on two wheels).

If we kickstart a trend of biking, the whole means of transport would be normalized. Once that happens, the infrastructure will slowly adapt to welcome it. The way I see things running around here: we complain about the lack of infrastructure but rarely notice that our habits organically make it come to life.

OK, we’re not getting country-wide bike racks within the next year. But with energy like that of The Chain Effect, we’re coming pretty close to getting something moving.

Original article by Bana Bissat

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Witty Beirut street art urges you to ride your bike (PHOTOS)



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