
Tattooing, a lucrative business in Iran


Tattooing, risen to an unprecedented demand gaining a wide market in many countries across the world, has also become a top earning occupation in Iran. While tattooing is actually illegal, it is being offered overtly in all beauty salons and spas in all the major cities of the country.

Khabaronline published an article penned by Baharaeh Cheraghi comparing prices offered for tattooing services across Tehran.

According to the report, tattoo artists make anywhere between 8 to 100 million toumans per month: “Tattoos may differ in price from neighbourhood to neighbourhood due to different styles of application and the material used. For instance an eyebrow tattoo in a beauty salon in southern Tehran is anywhere between 90 to 100 thousand toumans while a similar tattoo in north of the city will be offered at 250 to 300 thousand toumans.”

Amongst Iranian women, eyebrow, eyeline and lipline tattoos are very popular. Many people use tattooing to give shape to their eyebrows and it is safe to say that eyebrow tattooing is very trendy. Small patterns and symbol tattoos, mostly in demand by women go for 50 to 70 thousand toumans and yet some very small designs on sensitive locations of the body may be even costlier. For instance tattoos on eyelids, behind the ear or on major veins can cost anywhere between 300 to 400 thousand toumans.

The report on Khabaronline adds that larger tattoos have different prices as well depending on the area they cover and the variety of colours used. It can also depend on whether it is a two dimensional or three dimensional designs. “Hand designs go for 1.5 to 2.5 million toumans, full legs depending on the design and colour variety go for 3 to 4 million and a complete waist design may be anywhere between 3.5 and 4.5 million toumans.

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Tattooing, a lucrative business in Iran



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