Submission Guidelines

Are you a writer or a video journalist and interested in reporting on positive trends about MENASA and its communities?  You’re in luck, because elan wants you to tell your stories.

Elan is a fast-growing online publication focused on highlighting positive trends developing in the Middle East and South Asian communities as well profiling young innovators across all fields.

As we witness globalization penetrating each market segment, Elan captures these exciting stories to inspire more positive ideas.

Elan has grown into a popular, insightful publication sharing the stories of remarkable young professionals empowering their communities, enlightening their peers and inspiring those around them.

We are currently accepting applications from writers/video journalists from all over the world who keep up with the trends, news and developments within their communities and abroad, seeking writers focused on travel, music, fashion, architecture, art, business and other pop culture topics.

Our readers are sophisticated, well traveled, well educated, and enjoy writing and reading content that educates, enlightens, and inspires.

We are not financially compensating writers at the moment, but we do promise exposure and it’s a great opportunity to network!

If you are interested in becoming a writer for, please send 3 story pitches to: elan(at)