
Steps singer Lisa Scott-Lee launches Performing Arts Academy for kids in Dubai

&MaxW=640&imageVersion=default&AR-140909833There is a moment in the video for one of the British pop band Steps’ biggest hits that sums up the baffling array of skills needed to be a performer in the modern era.

As Lisa Scott-Lee sings Tragedy, she is not only playing the role of a bride whose wedding has been sabotaged by the pesky boys in the group, she’s doing so to a choreographed dance routine that would become their trademark.

“We always called it the triple threat,” she says with a laugh. “It’s really important these days that you can sing, dance and act.”

Scott-Lee is looking back on her hugely successful career – Steps have sold millions of records since their debut single 5,6,7,8in 1997 – for a reason.

Next month, she will open the Dubai Performing Arts Academy in the city with her husband Johnny Shentall-Lee, who has spent the past 25 years as a dancer for stars including Robbie Williams and Diana Ross, and taking principal roles in London’s West End.

Their intention is to teach children ages 4 to 18 the key skills of singing, dancing and acting and pass on their invaluable experience.

Of course, there’s no shortage in the UAE of stars putting their names to exciting new initiatives – and then quickly taking a back seat. But the couple have lived in Dubai for three years and say that they understand the landscape.

“This is our baby, our project, and we’re going to be very hands-on,” says Scott-Lee. “The UAE has developed amazingly and the education system is fantastic in many areas, but because we have young children ourselves, we immediately noticed that the performing arts are overlooked a bit.”

Original article by Ben East

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Steps singer Lisa Scott-Lee launches Performing Arts Academy for kids in Dubai



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