
Say hello to healthier fast food delivery in the Middle East?

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We love grandmothers and we love what they do, especially when they know how to cook well using traditional recipes. While we like to support the food and lifestyle of yore, we do not think that not everything fast is bad for you. Especially in Saudi Arabia where people like to show off in restaurants by severely over-ordering to impress their friends.

Where I live in the Middle East, delivery options are poor and non-existent. Even when I want to order a good salad. Sometimes I just don’t have the energy to cook, but little shops don’t dare enter my neighborhood, known in the past to be violent. Or the restaurants are just to small to bother with delivery service.

I end up resorting to eating worse junk from the corner store when I am Jonesing for a snack. What’s a girl used to delivery-style service from the west to do? Enter: Hellofood.

Whether it’s American-style pizza, a health sandwich from a local favorite in Beirut or a local shwarma, Hellofood has it in the bag in new locations in the Middle East.

Read this article:

Say hello to healthier fast food delivery in the Middle East?



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