
Reunited: Artist uses his Music to Bring his Family Home

By: Summer Yasmin

“This is the type of story you would never believe. Could happen to you and me. But these tears are real. Why did they take my brother away?”

UK based singer and songwriter Sabotage, is an artist that uses his music as a means to express not only his feelings and thoughts but also to give voice to the world’s. Whether it’s a song like United We Stand, a charity single for Pakistan’s flood victims or Goodbye, a song reflecting the universal struggle associated with loosing a loved one, Sabotage’s music is always seeks to make a difference for someone, somewhere.

His recent single Reunited, is perhaps the most emotionally resounding song he has produced, as it is the story of the artist’s own pain and that of his family’s in response to the horrific kidnapping of his 11 year old cousin Azad and his uncle, Dr. Shah Muhammed Javed, A prominent surgeon, by a group of armed militants in Kotli, a town in the Sialkot district of Northern Pakistan, on October 30, 2011. Aside from the abandoned vehicle used by the kidnappers, which was found some 100 km from Kotili, Pakistani authorities have come up with no other leads as to the whereabouts of Azad and Dr. Shah. Not only is the family struggling with the obvious emotional and mental hardships of loosing their loved ones but also with what they feel is the frustratingly indifferent approach the police have taken towards the case, as if it’s just another one in many. All of this combined has inspired the artist to turn, once again, to his music as a means to speak out about this personal tragedy.

The track Reunited which features popular R&B artist, Arjun, was released on November 10, 2011, since then it has gained strong support and circulation.  Sabotage says his motivation for the son was very personal, “For me music has always been a way to express my thoughts and opinions. From when I first started making music right until this point, my music reflects my personal experiences, life problems and my general feelings and thoughts.”

The artist also says that the sentiments expressed in the song are not only on behalf of himself and his family but also give voice to all those who have supported his cause with their messages of condolence and prayers. Given that civilian kidnappings have become a common occurrence in Pakistan over the past several years, I would say that the song also echo’s the feelings of hundreds of other people who have faced the same situation, or who live with the fear of it.

Sabotage says that his personal aim and primary purpose behind the single is to create awareness about his uncle and cousin’s kidnappings. The hope is that someone, somewhere listening to the song will have the vital information that could bring his family members home safely. The track has become widespread through Facebook, Twitter and YouTube as well as receiving airtime on British radio stations. With Arjun’s velvet voice setting the emotional tone of the chorus and bringing a little extra to the song, it has managed to touch the hearts of thousands world wide.  “Arjun is a very good friend of mine and musically I think he’s one of the best up and coming R&B singers in the country.”  Sabotage went on, “He’s always had my back, supported me and despite his success hasn’t let the fame change him.”

Reunited is yet another example of the power held by music. In the global community we live in, music can and has become a primary means of communication. With social networks giving artists worldwide reach, so much can be said and done by means of one single song. Tracks like reunited whose aim is not to top popularity charts or appeal to masses still find a place with people because they take the common pain many of us experience and put it into a form that is touching to the heart, appealing to the senses and memorable to the mind. Hope is a universal antidote. Sabotage puts it best as he sends words of hope to his little cousin, “I know it’s hard but I pray. Don’t cry my brother. Wipe your eyes my brother. It’s gonna be okay.”




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