
Qleek, the wooden hardware that reconciles vinyl and digital music, launches IndieGogo campaign


As I write this, I’m listening to a playlist on Spotify, sitting across from my empty bookshelf, its sparse shelves occupied by a few CDs I don’t listen to anymore, and decades-old DVDs whose use now is to serve as conversation starters with visiting friends. The pleasure of browsing the shelves for the right album or playlist is long gone.

Enter Qleek.

Qleek aims at reconciling the interactivity and power of digital music, with the emotional attachment we have to records on vinyl. Qleek is seeking to jumpstart a trend of products to re-materialize the internet.

Qleek consists of small customizable wooden hexagons called Tapps, which get inserted into a player. Each hexagon corresponds to a Spotify playlist, a Dropbox file, a YouTube channel, a Netflix program, or even a photo album, to name just a few of the options. When the Tapp is place on its base, it instantly plays its content, on the screen or speakers of your choice, thanks to a NFC chip. The design is sleek; the Tapps and its player are both made of wood, clearly the chicest trend this year in tech, as proved by startup media darling du jour Orée.

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Qleek, the wooden hardware that reconciles vinyl and digital music, launches IndieGogo campaign



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