
Puzzle game HintHunt arrives in Dubai


Evoke your inner Sherlock Holmes with HintHunt, the mind game which has arrived at Times Square Centre in Dubai.

Each participating team of up to five people is expected to try to escape from a locked room in less than 60 minutes by solving mysterious hints and puzzles.

The concept of the game stems from crime scene investigations and detective stories, giving off a feel of a real detective office from the 1940s, and the countdown adds to the thrill.

“We are so delighted with the positive response the game received as soon as we announced we were launching it in Dubai. This reflects people’s need for a live group fun activity away from online gaming, where friends can de-stress and spend a good time together interacting, sharing and creating a special memory,” said Ahmad Al Saheb, a partner at HintHunt Dubai, in a statememt.

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Puzzle game HintHunt arrives in Dubai



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