
Power in numbers: Moroccan web entrepreneurs come together


The Moroccan web community got together recently for the launch of LeMaroc Digital (Digital Morocco), a non-profit organization that aims to shed light on the economic and social potential of the digital field in the kingdom.

“We’re working to bring together all the digital scene players in order to identify the problems they are facing and find solutions,” Larbi Alaoui Belrhiti, General Manager at Avito told to Wamda.

These web stakeholders are increasing in number every day; however, their growth remains limited by a lack of government awareness, lack of adequate infrastructure, lack of funding opportunities, low rate of internet penetration, wariness of online payment, and more.

Le Maroc Digital wants to create a space for dialogue between the various players in the sector, develop a think tank for solutions, and organize lobbyist groups to implement these solutions with the help of the government and other institutions.

Original article by Aline Mayard

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Power in numbers: Moroccan web entrepreneurs come together



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