
Could password woes go out the window with new Lebanese app?

Ki_logo_large“I woke up one morning and my digital world had fallen apart,” says Priscilla Sharuk. Inspired by the traumatic event, Sharuk and her partner developed Ki, a device and mobile app that is designed to integrate all one’s usernames and passwords in one place, creating the ability to sign in to various services hands free. 

Her grandmother’s use of the Internet was another a-ha moment for Sharuk. She would regularly call Sharuk to help her locate the password for her Skype account. “It would be written on some piece of paper somewhere and I would spend ages trying to sort it out and I just thought, why can’t there be just one button to push that would log her in.” 

Sharuk’s grandmother is of course not the only one suffering from what is commonly termed as ‘data breach fatigue’. Lets face it, it can be hard to find the time or inclination to come up with all the completely unique passwords necessary for modern life (the average internet user is said to now have an 18 logins). Along with her friend and cyber security consultant Antoine Jebara, Sharuk got to work.

Original article by Lucy Knight

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Could password woes go out the window with new Lebanese app?



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