
Overcoming challenges, women in Qatar strive to be their own bosses


More than anywhere else in the Gulf, Qatar residents have expressed a desire to start their own businesses. But the barriers to entrepreneurship here can be daunting.

Some 83 percent of Qatar youth recently surveyed by telecom provider Ooredoo said they would like to run their own company – but only 17 percent have actually taken the plunge.

Meanwhile, only 38 percent of aspiring entrepreneurs in Qatar are women, according to a Booz & Company study from 2013. That may be because of a lack of female role models here, the report states.

But like for men, red tape also plays a role, say many enterprising women who have spoken to Doha News. That, and cultural barriers, are among the main challenges women who wish to be their own bosses face in Qatar.


Overcoming challenges, women in Qatar strive to be their own bosses



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