
Ottoman Palaces Converted into Gorgeous Boutique Efendi Hotel


Uri Jeremias peered over the roof of his restaurant back in 2001 and fell in love with a large abandoned building. It wasn’t for sale, but the restaurateur persevered, and eventually converted the Ottoman era palace into a resplendent boutique hotel.

Located in Acre, a well-documented UNESCO heritage site 150 miles north of Tel Aviv, The Efendi Hotel is named for the builders who were responsible for the last bit of construction done on what are actually two enjoined Ottoman palaces.

The southern structure is the Afifi House or Wizo House, according to the hotel website, while the northern structure is the Hamar or Shukri House, named for a family of musicians who once resided there.

“The two structures together contain within their walls the stories, secrets, mysteries, and enchantment that have been gathered for over 1,500 years.”

Original article:

Ottoman Palaces Converted into Gorgeous Boutique Efendi Hotel



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