
Omani women getting better education, taking up more jobs


There has been a dramatic increase in the participation of Omani women in the public and private sector, as well as a growing trend towards female Omani students opting for private school education and going on to pursue higher education, a study recently released by the National Centre for Statistics and Information (NCSI) reveals.

Over the nine-year period from 2003 to 2012, and with 2013 numbers being finalised, the number of Omani women working in the public sector, which includes Civil Service, Diwan of Royal court, Royal Court Affairs and Public Corporations, rose from 29,218 in 2003 to 68,200 in 2012.

During the same period, the number of Omani women working in the private sector trebled, with 35,248 Omani women registered with the Public Authority for Social Insurance versus the 2003 total of 13,385.

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Omani women getting better education, taking up more jobs



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