
Next crop of MENA teen entrepreneurs cite Apple, extracurricular activities as key to their ambition

Screen_Shot_2014_11_10_at_51351_PMThe old guard had better beware: these entrepreneurs are young, smart, and determined to make their mark on the world.

No older than 20, this trio have all overcome hurdles, schoolwork not least among them, to chase their dreams and build a business they believe in.

Brought up and influenced by the prevalence of tech in a world where Apple, and the late Steve Jobs, inspired and awed in equal measure, what is most striking is that these three are not just impatient for success; they are impatient to change the world for the better.

And whether balancing midterm exams with courting investors in Silicon Valley, or risking the wrath of their parents in pursuit of their goals, they are not going to let the small matter of age get in the way.

Zaid Rahman, 19, Dubai, cofounder of Pilot Labs

As someone who had been “dying to find a problem” to fix, it’s no surprise that the seed for Zaid Rahman’s education business was planted by his experiences at school.

As a result of his success on the school debate team, which regularly toured the Middle East and beyond for competitions, Rahman found himself struggling with class attendance, and the subsequent knowledge gaps.

But whereas others might have simply complained about it, Rahman cofounded Pilot Labs, an interactive learning platform that he claims offers a major step forward in how students are taught.

Original article by John Owens

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Next crop of MENA teen entrepreneurs cite Apple, extracurricular activities as key to their ambition




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