
Nayla Al Khaja wraps up online cookery series Maggi Diaries

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Nayla Al Khaja’s latest directorial project, the online series Maggi Diaries, sponsored by the popular brand of sauces, is seeking to put a new spin on the cookery show format as its four co-hosts traverse the Middle East looking for the best stories, sites and recipes in the region.

“The premise is we have these four women who don’t know each other, but they have two common denominators – they all love cooking and they all have to balance their work with caring for their families,” Al Khaja explains.

“We travel to different countries around the region, try different cuisines and there’s a strong focus on fusion. We’re looking to preserve the history of traditional dishes but add a modern twist, and we hope people will try the same at home.”

The show isn’t just another cookery show, however. Al Khaja says that if she’d been asked to simply direct a studio-based recipe series, she’d have turned down the offer. “For me, the food is secondary. The show is more about how food brings people together,” she says.

“It’s more about friendships and a meeting of minds. There are really three parts to the programme. Firstly, it’s about the journey of four women and the development of their relationships from strangers to becoming friends. Secondly, there is the discovery of new foods by experimentation and learning what works and what doesn’t, and thirdly, it’s about the locations and the stories we find there.

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Nayla Al Khaja wraps up online cookery series Maggi Diaries



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