
Moroccan women speak out against sexual harassment

Women speak

Casablanca – Young, female Moroccan journalists trained by American ONG and Global Girl Media (GGM) released an insightful documentary on rape in Morocco entitled, “Breaking the Silence about Sexual Harassment: Moroccans Speak Out!”. In this documentary, victims of rape from all corners of the kingdom share their personal experiences with the public.

According to Rajaà Hammadi, one of the girls who directed the documentary, the latter not only aims to raise awareness on the nature of this issue, but also presents some solutions to it, such as family and school education.

“We are 24 girls working on this project,” explains Rajaà, “and we’d like to send a message to society to show that sexual harassment is an abnormality, a dangerous phenomenon that has to be eradicated.”

Sexual harassment is another phenomenon that is increasingly becoming an overt behavior in Moroccan streets. “I was on the way back home when I saw a guy heading straight towards me,” narrates one of the victims of sexual harassment in the documentary, “He then placed his hand on my chest. At that very moment, I was so shocked that I didn’t know what was going on,” she continued.



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