
Monetizing street art: the entrepreneurial journey of a Tunisian gallerist

djerbahood_8Last September, the Tunisian island of Djerba was at the heart of discussions of art lovers across Europe and elsewhere. The island, known for its beauty and beaches, has been transformed into a huge open-air museum for the Djerbahood.

Behind this project is Mahdi Ben Cheikh, born to a Tunisian father and a French mother. Mahdi owns a gallery called Galerie Itinerrance for Parisian street art. This event wasn’t his first success; previous open air exhibitions, notably Street Art 13 and Paris Tour 13, also won success both in terms of attendance and media attention.

In a talk with Wamda, Ben Cheikh lets us in on his entrepreneurial journey, the establishment of his own gallery, and the inspiration that drives him.

Wamda: Tell us about Galerie Itinerrance. How did you found it?

Mahdi Ben Cheikh: For me, being an exhibitor isn’t only about selling. It’s much more than business and trade, it’s about promoting a movement. The world has seen many prominent gallery owners who changed history, such as Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler who [fostered] the cubism movement which revolutionized painting. Those people started businesses and companies just like people do these days.

When I founded my own gallery in 2004, it seemed clear to me that street art had an important place in history and that I had to devote my full energy to it.

I didn’t enter the field to buy and sell art. I knew that I should rather adapt to the movement I am promoting and practice my profession in a sophisticated manner, bringing to artists what they need without damaging their art. My goal is to find an innovative and creative concept every time. [This is what I’ve done] by organizing big events and shedding the light on street art, resulting in Street Art 13, Paris Tour 13, and now Djerbahood.

Original article by Aline Sara

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Monetizing street art: the entrepreneurial journey of a Tunisian gallerist



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