
Meet the online tool helping Egyptians reduce their electricity consumption


Entrepreneurs often get inspiration from the crises their countries are going through, and Egypt is no exception. The country’s power outages were exacerbated by the revolution of January 2011, and last year it worsened.

In reaction to the problem, Issam Majed and Mostafa El Khawli have launched El-Noor Geh, a platform that provides interactive, awareness-raising content on electricity consumption and the best ways to use electrical appliances.

Motives and challenges

Like everyone else around them Majed and El Khawli faced problems with the frequent power cuts. They decided to buy an electric generator.

However, they were quickly faced with another problem: what kind of generator to get. They couldn’t find any references online on what type of generator to buy or how many watts or amperes they needed.

Initially the El-Noor Geh was supposed to provide a practical way to calculate a generator’s consumption; however the founders realized it should be even more comprehensive and calculate a home’s total power consumption.

Original article by Eman Mostafa

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Meet the online tool helping Egyptians reduce their electricity consumption



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