
Meet the new team of The Illusionists at the Dubai show

&MaxW=640&imageVersion=default&AR-140929583The Illusionists, a world tour by seven famous magicians that was a huge hit when they performed in Dubai last year, returns to the country on Thursday with a bigger and better show.

With performances in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, Illusionists 2.0 features an upgraded production with new conjurors and the latest 3-D technology to dazzle audiences.

The crew

The stars of this year’s show have been hand-picked from some of the best magicians from around the world. Returning with the newcomers is US-based Jeff Hobson, aka The Trickster. The funnyman, who performed last year with The Illusionists, brings a comic element to his illusions.

The new faces include Raymond Crowe from Australia, who has previously shared a stage with the US rockers Bon Jovi and the British comedian Russell Brand. Crowe, dubbed The Unusualist, will unleash his unconventional magic mixed with mime and comedy in this show.

The American-born Adam Trent is The Futurist, using technology and dance with his magic, in a performance that is described as Justin Timberlake meets David Copperfield. He has performed more than 300 live shows in 19 countries.

Luis De Matos – The Master Magician – is the youngest magician to receive the Devant Award from the Magic Circle, a British organisation that promotes the art of magic. The multi-award-winning artist from Portugal will make you question reality with his theatrical, video-aided performance.

Original article by Afshan Ahmed
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Meet the new team of The Illusionists at the Dubai show



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