Going Green

Lebanon’s Re-H2O team tackles water scarcity in the Arab world

water shortage

At Intel and Injaz al-Arab’s Sci-preneurship Innovation Camp this past July, six young Lebanese students found an innovative, inexpensive way to solve the major water shortage issue that affects the Arab world: using air conditioners.

It may sound like an unlikely solution, but David Kors, Abed Sherkawi, Radwan Othman, Omar Itani, Oudey Hamadeh, and Nisrine Hammoud, all first year undergradute students, realized that the distilled water that condenses inside air conditioners, which is typically funneled off for refuse, could be collected and re-used. “This water is completely safe to be used as tap water,” says Hammoud, a business student at Balamand University.

After developing a prototype over 48 hours during the competition, the six students debuted their final product, Re-H2O, to win. If they were to take the product to market, “we would target the Gulf, as it has the highest use of air conditioners,” says Hamadeh, an international business student at the Lebanese American University.

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Lebanon’s Re-H2O team tackles water scarcity in the Arab world



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