Going Green

Lebanon’s first farm-to-table restaurant

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Henri Bou Obeid is staging a revolution of sorts. As the owner of Lebanon’s leading organic food provider, Bioland, Obeid has been quietly planting the seeds of green reform for over a decade. But with the opening of a new eatery and meeting point on an eco-friendly grange, Obeid and his team are fully realizing their farm-fresh philosophy.Obeid has no need for a militant green manifesto. Rather, the proof is in the pudding as visitors amble around Bioland’s remote Batroun farm that hosts the new eatery.

Geese sound the alarm as visitors enter the property. Chickens cluck contentedly from their roosts, and rabbits furtively burrow beneath their enclosure to tend to their young. Newborn goats with bandy legs bleat from a nearby pen, while bees buzz around their honeycombs. Peach trees are beginning to strain under the weight of plump fruit, while olive trees sway in the breeze.

Everything on the farm is certified organic, grown under the watchful eye of Obeid his wife, Rosy, and their team.

In a time when Lebanese consumers buy vacuum-sealed meat cutlets from the supermarket and many local farmers wantonly spray their crops with chemicals, Obeid decided that it was time to return to the nation’s terroir.


Lebanon’s first farm-to-table restaurant



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