
The Largest Mobile App Challenge is back to the Arab World for a Second Edition

10612545_339826659513681_3994604646211793301_nPiloted in 2013, the Arab Mobile Challenge is a social, non-profit program that was launched to support Arab youth in their entrepreneurial journey through a competition with a simple format designed to support mobile and tech entrepreneurs through a series of simple steps.

With relatively low barriers to entry and high accessibility, the mobile app market offers a lucrative opportunity for young, ambitious entrepreneurs with innovative ideas to try to secure a piece of this growing pie. In addition to this, it has also proved to be It an extremely simple and effective approach to teaching young people the skills and path to business start-up. In 2013, the Arab Mobile App Challenge measured more than 15% of participants who continued to semi-final stages are legal businesses that are operational, creating revenues and hiring others.

To reach the whole Arab region, AMAC 2014 will be introducing a mix between physical and web based activities and acceleration to make it accessible wherever they are to take advantage of the learning opportunity and access to tools. Through a simple registration process on, teams will be receiving up to date information on physical events and web based workshops for them to attend whatever is most convenient. With over 1000 participants in 2013, AMAC in 2014 is expecting to double this number.

It is worth mentioning that the program of Arab Mobile App Challenge is the only Arab Mobile application competition organized at the regional level in cooperation with Mobile World Capital based in Barcelona.

Original article by Amjad Baker

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The Largest Mobile App Challenge is back to the Arab World for a Second Edition



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