
Jordanian Youtube Channel Fooq al-Sada tackles unemployment in this hilarious parody of “Uptown Funk”

Jordan Parody

Jordanian YouTube entertainment channel Fooq al-Sada has released a new parody of the catchy summer hit “Uptown Funk” by Mark Ronson and Bruno Mars – and it’s hilarious.

Tackling social and political issues in Jordan and the Middle East during Ramadan, the channel aims “to encourage youth to show their talent.”

Its latest parody takes a look at unemployment in Jordan and its frustrating effect on the country’s youth.

Standing at 12.3 percent by the end of 2014, unemployment in Jordan has risen steadily in the last four years.

By facing these issues head on through satire, the channel is not only making them palatable for the audience but also raises awareness and encourages discourse through one of the most popular social media platforms in the Middle East.

Here’s a rough translation of the song:

A young man walking in the street with his suit, it is boiling hot weather and the car has failed in the middle of the road.

And so he sings about asking his friends to push it ahead, then begging he wants to work because he is burdened with debts and loans.

Our singer has been unemployed for 4 years, no work at all.



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