Going Green

Iranian man shows #farmlove with inspiring Instagram photos


For some, being a farmer is suicidal. Water and land are scarce, small farmers struggle to compete with the likes of Monsanto, and there are a host of environmental problems to contend with as well. In this context, it’s almost unthinkable that this bright young man dreams of following his father’s footsteps – as a farmer in Iran.

Hossein Torabi is one of a number of people across the MENA region who actually want to be a farmer when he “grows up” – even though he is a self-described “leading MBA graduate.”

While we can’t make out whether his father is using organic practices on this Persian blog (we can’t read Persian), Torabi’s love of farming is evident in these Instagram photos that make the day to day routine of farm life in Iran look like the most glamorous and inspired job in the world.

One third of Iran is suitable for farm land, but because of mismanaged natural resources, poor soil, lack of water for irrigation and unprecedented climate change due to the rise of global temperatures, only 12 percent of Iran’s land is under cultivation. And of that 12 percent, only one third is actually irrigated.

For some, being a farmer is suicidal. Water and land are scarce, small farmers struggle to compete with the likes of Monsanto, and there are a host of environmental problems to contend with as well. In this context, it’s almost unthinkable that this bright young man dreams of following his father’s footsteps – as a farmer in Iran. – See more at: http://www.greenprophet.com/2014/05/iranian-farm-love-instagram/#sthash.ZxyUU5CB.dpuf

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Iranian man shows #farmlove with inspiring Instagram photos



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