
Gulf Photo Plus celebrates colour ­photography with RGB exhibition

Gulf Photo PlusImages from all over the region and beyond are part of this year’s Gulf Photo Plus show. Scenes such as a fisherman in Karachi casting his line, a group of labourers riding their bicycles down a Dubai street, a studio portrait taken in Italy and giant green balls on the front of a building in Dublin are just some of those selected for the annual community exhibition at Gulf Photo Plus, Dubai.

Every year, the exhibition is the result of an open call under a ­specific theme. This year, to celebrate colour ­photography, GPP invited the photography community to present their work under the title RGB (Red, Green and Blue).

Such an open category threw the doors open for submissions on a wide range of subject matter – abstract photography, landscapes, portraits, still-life and street photography – and the gallery received 1,500 images from 300 participants. These were whittled down to 60 images from 50 photographers, which went on display yesterday in the Alserkal Avenue gallery.

Original article by Anna Seaman

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Gulf Photo Plus celebrates colour ­photography with RGB exhibition



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