Going Green

Floating Majlis meeting rooms made of recycled fishing nets in Dubai


Majlis are the boardrooms of the Arab world. A traditional ‘place of sitting’ often adorned with cushions on the floor, they are used to receive guests and exchange ideas. In the past, nomadic desert dwellers used special tents. Intercon takes a modern approach to this special meeting room with floating Majlis that are moved daily.

There’s a lot to talk about in Dubai. What to do about severe food and water scarcity, how to approach urban design, how to balance foreign investment with national pride and sustainable development.

Eager to understand how these issues be tackled without grandiose meetings that eat up an entire nation’s annual carbon budget in one week, the INDEX International Design Exhibition invited design professionals to “rethink the “Majlis” by giving it a contemporary, avant garde and green perspective.”

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Floating Majlis meeting rooms made of recycled fishing nets in Dubai



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