
Fellowship for young women entrepreneurs connects rising stars from US and Jordan


“Recommendation services have changed the way we find every other type of art. Music, movies, books, fashion, good food. They’ve yet to impact the way we find visual art for our walls,” said Tara Reed, her voice rising authoritatively as she addressed a panel of expectant investors, their eyes following her every move.

“At Kollecto, we’re building the first recommendation service to do just that.”

As the CEO of a rising startup, investment pitches like this are a common occurrence for Reed and other entrepreneurs.

But this was no ordinary pitch, and Reed is not your average entrepreneur.

As the female CEO of a startup, Reed and other women worldwide face numerous obstacles that their male counterparts do not. As a result, many promising and innovative businesses founded and run by women are at risk of failure – and for the wrong reasons.

Original article by Samuel Wendel

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Fellowship for young women entrepreneurs connects rising stars from US and Jordan



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