
Exclusive: Adam Saleh on his new hip-hop single and his UAE shows in December

Adam Saleh

American-Yemeni YouTube sensation Adam Saleh’s debut solo single – hip-hop track Tears, featuring UK singer Zac Knight – will drop on iTunes Sunday, August 16.

Saleh has cultivated a loveable, funnyman persona through nearly 700 YouTube videos, ranging from daily vlogs to comedy sketches, that mostly promote Islam. But his new single, a solemn affair that finds Saleh comforting a bereaved family member, is part of his goal to branch out.

“I am only 22 and I want to try everything,” he tells me. “I don’t want to be someone in his 50s saying I wish I done this and that. I always want to try new things.”

Such as his decision to take his jokes and banter to the live stage: Saleh is set to perform a one-man show in Abu Dhabi and Dubai in December, with dates and the venue to be revealed soon.

What was the inspiration for Tears?

It is a song that’s dedicated to my cousin, whose father passed away. She got married and her father wasn’t there and she was very sad about it and she had tears. I wanted to do something about that, to write a song to say that I am there for you, so I began writing some lyrics and it really began from there. I think a lot of people can relate to this song because they would know of people who helped them and stood by there side.

Original article by Saeed Saeed

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Exclusive: Adam Saleh on his new hip-hop single and his UAE shows in December



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