A new species of palm tree has started sprouting around Dubai. But instead of producing dates, the fronds of the Smart Palm harness the sun’s energy to allow people to look up city information, access Wi-Fi, and charge their phones, all for free.
Topped with nine leaf-shaped photovoltaic modules, a six-meter-tall Smart Palm can generate around 7.2 kilowatt hours per day, enough to operate without ever drawing off the grid.
The two prototype palms that have already been installed – one at a beach near the Burj Al Arab hotel and other at centrally located Zabeel Park – each carry a Wi-Fi hotspot, eight charging stations for phones and tablets, and a touch-screen panel giving local details on things like weather and transportation.
The company behind the device, Dubai-based D Idea, says connectivity is just the start of the Smart Palm’s potential.
Original article by Reuters
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Dubai’s smart palm tree technology revealed