
Dubai’s melting pot inspires House of Nomad

1414524828999980200House of Nomad is a new and innovative fashion brand based in Dubai founded by two creative individuals, Saleh Al-Banna and Ahmed El-Sayed.

Saleh, an Emirati, graduated from the American University in Dubai in Graphic Design and Ahmed, an Egyptian, graduated with a BFA in Fashion Design from the Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar. The two friends collaborated and created a line based on their Arab heritages and inspired by their love for travel. House of Nomad is a minimalistic comfort chic clothing line for both men and women. Their designs are based on comfort chic and are sophisticated, yet easy wear.

House of Nomad was created through mutual love for fashion. Ahmed has a background in fashion design and Saleh has a love for vintage and unique pieces; both men are great friends and have put their minds together to create the line that is making a buzz in the Arab fashion world.

“I would be occasionally sketching and Saleh would always give in his input. So we decided to take our skills and talents to the next level and create this clothing brand that caters to both men and women. The brand is born in Dubai, where we both reside, after creating a few custom pieces for our friends, we started getting a lot of positive comments from outsiders, and so it was a push for us to create a full collection. We also noticed a gap in the market where the GCC doesn’t have two arab men running a clothing brand that caters to both genders,” said Ahmed.

Original article by Rawan Radwan

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Dubai’s melting pot inspires House of Nomad



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