
Dubai’s Courtyard Playhouse Theatre workshop to help teenagers improve their improv

&MaxW=640&imageVersion=default&AR-141119964Teenagers can try their hand at improv with a new five-day Theatresports workshop by the Dubai-based theatre company Courtyard Playhouse. ­Designed for 13- to 18-year-olds, the 20-hour programme is one of the first in the Middle East and launches on Saturday, ending with an audience challenge showcase in mid-December.

“Children are naturally inclined to be good at improv,” says Kemsley Dickinson, the improv instructor at Drama Dubai, running the course. “They are less guarded. Adults, on the other hand, have inhibitions that often need to be undone.”

Dickinson says the students will not only be building confidence to face sudden situations on stage, but will also be taught access to the technical aspects of creating a show.

Original article by Afshan Ahmed

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Dubai’s Courtyard Playhouse Theatre workshop to help teenagers improve their improv



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