
Dubai-based food photographer shortlisted for Pink Lady award

Drina CabralThere’s more to food photography than making you hungry.

That’s the philosophy of Drina Cabral – who is based in Dubai and is the only artist from the Middle East to be shortlisted among the 100 best food ­photographers in the world.

Tonight, she is in London, representing the UAE at the Pink Lady Food Photographer of the Year awards ceremony.

Her work was chosen from more than 6,500 international entries to hang on public display alongside 99 other finalists at London’s The Mall Galleries from tomorrow.

Cabral’s photograph, titled The Hunter and the Hunted, is a violent portrayal of a squid snaring a mackerel – and might put you off your next meal.

“A lot of people say to me: ‘Your food photography is not even edible’, but the way I see it, food is about more than being something you eat,” she says. “It can be an art form – food can tell a story.”

The image, shortlisted for the Politics of Food category, questions preconceptions that food photography should simply illustrate a product or recipe. The intention was to provoke thought and debate – and Cabral clearly succeeded.

Original article by Rob Garratt

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Dubai-based food photographer shortlisted for Pink Lady award



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