
The cherry on your Kabuli ice cream


By Frida Lundgren

Afghanistan may be famous for its giant watermelons, its delicious bolani and its entertaining TV shows, but not many people are familiar with the hottest nightly hangout spot in Kabul: Cherry Berry.

What is Cherry Berry, you wonder?

A fro-yo cafe, of course!

Ever since it opened in the summer of 2013, Cherry Berry has been hugely popular among the younger generation of Afghans. And it is no wonder that this colorful and late-night open store has gained such a reputation! Besides offering a new place to socialize (and to spot fashion and hairstyle trends), Cherry Berry offers a wide range of toppings and fro-yo flavors to its young customers, and a perfect hide-out from the hot Kabul summers. Open until 1am and located in one of downtown Kabul’s most busy areas, Cherry Berry also represents a part of the Kabul nightlife.

The Kabul cafe, nestled in among the streets in Wazir Akbar Khan, is located in northern Kabul, and is today the home to many of Kabul’s expats, foreign ambassadors and wealthier inhabitants. Like an oasis, Cherry Berry provides all Kabulites a space to enjoy some peace and quiet from the bustling city life of Kabul and cacophony of cart-pushers, cars, and shopkeepers.

It is said that the frequenters of Cherry Berry can be categorized into three groups, based on their choice of clothing:

1) Those dressed in traditional Afghan clothing (don’t be fooled by their clothing – these men are likely affluent businessmen!), who have come to socialize with their families.

2) Those dressed in western clothing; Wayfarer sunglasses, branded jeans, and, of course, gelled hair. These are Afghans who have traveled or worked with Western organizations, who have come to socialize with young friends (and/or their smartphones).

3) Those dressed in suits (government officials), who have come to discuss deals, or to just enjoy some time away from the office.

Founded by the young Umer Sarfaraz, Cherry Berry has now expanded from 1 to 3 locations in three major Afghan cities: Kabul, Mazar-e-Sharif and Herat.

Want to get a glimpse at what a Cherry Berry store looks like? Check out this video!

Also, take a look at their Facebook page for news about products and events!

This piece was originally published on A Teaspoon of (لیمون) Zest.




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