
A chance to be a restaurateur for a day

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Urban Bistro is inviting you to hijack its kitchen. Based in Dubai Media City, the restaurant launched the concept in October, where a member of the public takes over to create a one-night-­only, unique dining experience.

The host is required to come up with all aspects for the evening – from the theme and decor to the food and service – which is perfect for people who are passionate about food and, maybe, hope to have their own restaurant in the future. ­Previous hosts have all been local personalities, but anyone is eligible – as long as they have a clear vision for the night and are confident they can bring in enough guests.

Omar Kadrie, director of Skelmore Group, the company behind Urban Bistro, says: “I thought it would be really interesting to give people who want to host a big dinner party a place to do this. We have the restaurant and we have a kitchen team. It helps them experience what it’s like to run a restaurant: cooking for many people, the challenges. What people think it’s like and what it’s actually like are often very different.”

Once the host has decided on the theme, they sit down with the Urban Bistro team to discuss the idea. Kadrie says: “They let us know what their vision is. Whether it’s based on grandma’s recipes, a type of cooking style or something they’ve achieved, each dinner has a slightly different story.”

Original article by Stacie Overton Johnson

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A chance to be a restaurateur for a day



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