
Carpooling is not the only solution: Egyptian startup takes unexpected approach to traffic


It’s not enough for Egyptian entrepreneurs to try to reduce the number of cars in Cairo’s congested streets; they are also trying to provide services that help citizens with their errands. Mashaweer, for instance, was established in March 2012 to provide delivery and receipt services. That includes things like grocery shopping, getting official papers from government organizations, and even walking pets. Now, a year later, Ingez has launched, providing a different take on delivery and reception services.

‘Ingez’ is an Egyptian-dialect Arabic word that means speed in completing tasks, which the company defines as its competitive edge. It relies on its speed to gain the trust of its customers who can expect to have a service completed immediately and on demand without the need for any prior reservations or appointments, which is not the case with Mashaweer.

Walid Rashed, founder of Ingez, doesn’t see the competition between his project and Mashaweer as something to worry about. “The Egyptian market is broad and customers are hungry for services that facilitate their daily lives. I benefited a lot from Mashaweer’s experience and studied their steps well before launching my own project. A company’s success can inspire another and motivate it to excel and be different,” he explained.

Ingez received an investment last month of more than a million Egyptian pounds (equivalent to $140,000 USD) from Shekra, an organization which supports startups by offering them financial, educational, and legal solutions as well as mentorship and follow-up.

Read this article:

Carpooling is not the only solution: Egyptian startup takes unexpected approach to traffic



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