
Capsule Arts to launch second collection in Dubai

&MaxW=640&imageVersion=default&AR-140909199Rachael Brown and Deepa Bhatia are clear about their working relationship. Brown is the “artist”, who is sometimes chaotic and lets ideas form organically, and Bhatia is the “designer” – neat, tidy and organised. But they are both extremely creative as well as driven and their business has flourished as a result.

It has been two years since they launched Capsule Arts, an incubation service for emerging artists offering limited-edition prints that give audiences the opportunity to buy original artworks at affordable prices.

It also offers a bespoke service that doubles up as an art consultancy. This side of the business has been involved in the interior design of several hotels, restaurants and other commercial enterprises, commissioning original pieces of art for them.

In this area, the women have been leading the way in a new trend – pushing forward buildings and interiors that focus on art as a central point, not simply as an add-on or afterthought.

“We are really pleased to have been part of that movement,” says Brown. “We would like to see, for example, a new hotel spring up in the region dedicated to art.”

One such project that is about to be launched is the Bay La Sun hotel in King Abdullah’s economic city in Saudi Arabia. Capsule Arts has been working on art for all public areas of this hotel – the first in the investment zone – and has commissioned several one-off pieces for it.

Original article by Anna Seaman

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Capsule Arts to launch second collection in Dubai



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