
Candid camera with Holly and Haris Effendi’s #myabudhabilife

#myabudhabilifeAt 8.33pm on June 17, 25-year-old Haris Effendi had his camera rolling to welcome his baby son Kamran to the world. The proud dad then shared the footage on YouTube (without all the gory bits), and so far it’s had more than 4,000 views.

British couple Haris and Holly Effendi claim to be among the first vloggers in the Middle East to upload a live delivery to Youtube.

It was all in a day’s work for the Effendis, who began documenting their daily lives on the YouTube channel #myabudhabilife , after they arrived in the capital three years ago. The channel has so far had 1.7million views, with 8,000 subscribers tuning in from as far as New York and Brazil.

The Effendis recently moved to Ghantoot in Dubai, but still vlog under their Abu Dhabi tagline.

As with most births, things didn’t go exactly according to plan. “I had to be induced, but still nothing was happening,” says Holly, 24, who is from Bradford in England.

“We were in this hospital room for two whole days, staring at the walls. Haris kept asking the midwives, ‘So what time do you think the baby will get here?’ They were just laughing at him.”

“It’s our first baby so I didn’t understand what was happening,” says Haris. “I wasn’t sleeping, and I started to lose my mind a little bit. But I didn’t leave the hospital. I was by Holly’s side all the time.”

Original article by Jessica Hill

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Candid camera with Holly and Haris Effendi’s #myabudhabilife



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