
Californian launches gaming startup focused on Arab and Islamic history

kawthar_Attack1Gaming is a far cry from finance and the military, but not only is American Thomas Tellner now creating games from his base in California, but he’s basing them on – and aiming them squarely at – the MENA and Asian markets with his startup Kawthar Media.

Seeing the region as having been “marginalized” by major players in the gaming industry, Tellner and his newly formed Kawthar Media have big plans to bring the historical literature of Arab and Asian cultures to life. His first and only game so far is Am al-Fil: Charge of the Elephants, loosely based on a Quranic tale of Ethiopian war elephants charging Mecca. Currently out on iOS, it has only had a few hundred downloads, but gaming enthusiast Tellner is not dissuaded. “We haven’t even begun marketing yet,” he tells Wamda over a Skype call from San Francisco.

In this period, which Tellner is calling his ‘test marketing stage’, he is picky about Kawthar’s advertising policies, only targeting niche sites in MENA and in particular Friendster in South Asia.

Original article by Lucy Knight

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Californian launches gaming startup focused on Arab and Islamic history



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