
How boy band The 5 plan to make their mark in the Arab world

The 5 boy bandAdil Echbiy, the oldest member of the Arab band The 5, had no qualms about cancelling his UAE residency visa, packing up his life in Dubai and heading to Beirut for the unforeseeable future. He moved to Dubai from his native Morocco in 2013 and was working at the fashion store Hollister, a far cry from his degree in computer science. But coming to the UAE was about seeking a fortune, regardless of the job, says the ­29-year-old.

“I’ve always loved singing, but I’ve never sung professionally in my life. When I decided to audition for The X Factor, it was my first time on stage,” he says.

When Echbiy made it through the audition rounds and realised that he had officially become part of the competition, he made the tough decision to leave the UAE.

“I really loved living in Dubai, and who knows if I’ll be back one day, but I chose to leave because of The X Factor programme. I believed in this opportunity and what we would be doing as a group and I wanted to invest in it,” he says.

So far, his choice has paid off. Like Justin Bieber’s Beliebers, Lady Gaga’s Little Monsters and the ever growing One Directioners, Echbiy and his four friends, who make up The 5, have their followers and they call themselves Fivers.

Original article by Hala Khalaf

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How boy band The 5 plan to make their mark in the Arab world



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