
The best cupcake in Abu Dhabi


If you’re going to indulge in cupcakes, you might as well have the best. After extensively scouring Abu Dhabi’s shops and a cupcake-tasting judged by The National, the verdict is in.

Our three judges – Arts&Life editor Ann Marie McQueen, news features editor James Langton and features production editor Kevin McCardle – sampled signature cupcakes from seven shops, all either home-grown or small chains that started in the Middle East, and judged them on the sweetness of the icing, cake density, flavour, icing-to-cake ratio, application and presentation. The judges also tested a mini vanilla cupcake with chocolate icing from each shop as a benchmark. After tasting 14 cupcakes each (yes, each!), the judges were unanimous in their decision.

The winner, with five out of five stars, is…

Mama’s Cupcakes

Five stars

What the judges said

The tiramisu cupcake from Mama’s Cupcakes was a hit with the judges – and it showed on their faces as they ate them. McCardle liked the flavour and thought the cupcake was “very attractive”. McQueen said: “It really tastes like tiramisu. It’s got a little chocolate centre. I love the icing.” Langton thought the icing was well-executed: “It’s not too sweet. The icing and the cake go well together.”

See original article here:

The best cupcake in Abu Dhabi



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