
Bahraini Women’s Day is a hit, galvanized by government support

Bahraini women

I took a number at my bank and sat down, waiting for the teller. I looked at my ticket: number 193. I looked up at the customer service screen display: number 179. Average waiting time: 22 minutes.

After around 5 minutes a bank employee approached me and told me I could go next. I smiled and looked around at all the men waiting, holding their customer number tickets and then I remembered today was Bahraini Women’s day. 

Women still face many challenges—particularly in domains like family law—and they remain underrepresented in the political sphere. But as a woman, I feel very blessed to be a female entrepreneur in Bahrain.

Bahraini Women’s Day is celebrated every December 1st. This year, Tamkeen, Bahrain’s private sector development body, demonstrated its support for women, who comprise almost half of its beneficiaries. Launched in August 2006, Tamkeen is tasked with supporting Bahrain’s private sector to become a key driver of economic development part, consistent with the Bahrain Economic Vision 2030.

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Bahraini Women’s Day is a hit, galvanized by government support



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