
Arab Mobile App Competition highlights new talent in Barcelona

Arab mobile app challengeWhat would you rather win $25,000 to further develop your app, or a ticket to pitch your app at Barcelona’s Mobile World Congress?

These were the options given to app developers participating in the Arab Mobile App Challenge, held in collaboration with the World Congress. For its second edition, the competition awarded four teams a financial prize and gave seven a ticket to Barcelona.

A growing challenge

When the Arab Mobile App Challenge (AMAC) debuted in 2014 it covered just five countries. This year, the contest was open to all pan-Arabic countries, allowing 20 countries to be represented at the regional finals in Dubai in January.

The competition, a social non-profit program aiming to educate Arab youth on entrepreneurship, to enhance their employability, and to transform their ideas into viable businesses, is structured around an acceleration phase in which entrepreneurs learn about lean startup methodology, and get mentored, either online or at events organized throughout the region.

Original article by Aline Mayard

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Arab Mobile App Competition highlights new talent in Barcelona



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