
Arab Film Studio releases adverts seeking aspiring filmmakers for narrative programme


The Arab Film Studio is sharing some tricks of the moviemaking trade, as it looks for submissions from aspiring filmmakers for its narrative programme next year.

A new campaign for the press and social media presents a series of handy hints and tips.

Gehad Darwish, corporate marketing manager at Image Nation Abu Dhabi, which runs the Arab Film Studio project, explains: “The campaign pays tribute to classic film hacks [used] to create sound or visual effects using products you can find in the average household. The idea is to connect with people that love films.”

The first advert, which recently appeared in The National, reveals how to recreate a Tarantino-style bloodbath: “To create realistic blood, simply mix four tablespoons of ketchup, 200ml of water, an egg, a drop of food colouring and a teaspoon of corn syrup. Pour into a balloon for the perfect bullet-to-the-chest effect.”

Original article by Chris Newbould

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Arab Film Studio releases adverts seeking aspiring filmmakers for narrative programme



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