Going Green

Amtrak is a dinosaur next to Kénitra’s high speed railway station in Morocco


The train system runs like clockwork in Morocco. It’s fast, easy and safe. So we’re excited to see a new project that makes them sped up to the 21st century in design: Silvio d’Ascia Architecture teamed up with Omar Kobité Architecture & Eric Giudice Architects to design a modern high speed railway station for Kénitra.

Kénitra is a port city about 35 miles north of Rabat in Morocco.

The design references vernacular Moroccan architecture and makes America’s Amtrak look like a dinosaur in comparison.

The trio’s striking collaborative design took first place in an international design competition that called for a state-of-the-art and sustainable 10,000 square meter high speed railway station complete with an assortment of amenities and retail facilities.

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Amtrak is a dinosaur next to Kénitra’s high speed railway station in Morocco



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