Going Green

Adding Some Brightness to Palestine


An NGO called Sunshine4Palestine in collaboration with The Union to Health Care Committees (Gaza Strip), has launched an emergency distribution of food initiative in order to bring food to those who are no longer with a means to finding it on their own.

 In addition to this emergency initiative, Sunshine4Palestine has begun fundraising for their sustainable energy Photovoltaic power generating plant located on the Jenin Hospital roof. The plant would be designed so that it will cover the necessary energy needs for the entire hospital, including stored energy sources for emergency purposes. The hospital currently faces many issues with daily energy shortages, and is limited to 4 hours per day of power. With services running 24/7, it could serve up to 200,000 people, and Sunshine4Palestine realized that a small-scale technical solution may be the answer.

Original article:

Adding Some Brightness to Palestine



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