
A unique circus school in Palestine


Youngsters enthusiastically practicing acrobatic moves in the training hall at the Palestinian Circus School in the old town of Birzeit is indeed a pretty sight to behold, but begs the question, why a circus school in Palestine, of all places?

Shadi Zmorrod, founder and general manager, sits down to tell this incredible story, beginning with his personal journey through theatre and eventually finding his calling in Bethlehem during the Millennium 2000 celebrations.

He attended a workshop facilitated by a Norwegian circus group and took a liking to juggling. Thereafter, he traveled to Europe, where he worked with Iranians, Iraqis and Sudanese — people from countries in conflict who then led him to grapple with the idea of trying the same in Palestine.

Jessika Devlierghere, the Belgian co-founder and executive director of the circus school, met Zmorrod in 2006 in connection with bringing her friends to Palestine to organize an intensive circus workshop, and the seed for his dream to establish a circus school was planted. It began with a workshop in Ramallah, and soon all the legalities and paperwork followed.

“Many obstacles still had to be overcome, those created by the second Lebanon war, which curtailed the first planned workshop and financing as well as materials,” Zmorrod says. “Nevertheless, we continued. Two students from [occupied] Jerusalem even made their own juggling clubs from toilet brushes, and the dream became bigger than just performing, to include training and making a social impact.

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A unique circus school in Palestine



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