
Is Kuwait prepared to help Millennial entrepreneurs?

EntrepreneursMembers of Kuwait’s Millennial population – those younger than 35 – prefer to be employers rather than employees, according to a survey released by and YouGovSira, as reported in the Kuwait Times earlier this week.

For several reasons that’s good news, but someone has to ask: Is Kuwait prepared to help its Millennial entrepreneurs?

Keep in mind that Kuwait’s Millennials include multiple nationalities, not just Kuwaitis, and these young people represent the majority of the country’s population! Millennials, also known as Generation Y, and sometimes called the Peter Pan generation (because they’re slow to mature), are said to be more liberal than older generations, more skeptical they tend to live with their parents for longer periods than previous generations, they’re struggling to find jobs and they’re likely to earn less money for the next decade.

Starting a business may be a millennial’s best chance to earn more money. Conversely, if they don’t earn more money and continue to struggle to find good jobs, what should we expect them to do?

Read more:

Is Kuwait prepared to help Millennial entrepreneurs?



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