
A new Pakistani social coordination app beats Meetup for travellers on the go

Problem_Solved_largeIf the Smurfs had to plan a picnic, one problem that they could run into is simply deciding which medium to use. Facebook? Whatsapp? Simple phone calls? In today’s world where we’re all on several medium at once, cohesion, rather than access, can become a major challenge.

One of the more interesting applications coming out of Pakistan lately is Hoodere, an online service that works to solve that problem by helping users discover and coordinate real-life social plans, collecting information from a variety of social media services. It works almost as a virtual, reliable personal assistant that coordinates among your existing social networks, is ever-vigilant, and can be accessed from the web or your iPhone/iPad or Android device.

The reason it’s interesting is not just because of its simple interface; it was also built by a kind of entrepreneur we’re beginning to see more of, one who gave up a promising career abroad to return to launch a local company and reinvest in his country.

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A new Pakistani social coordination app beats Meetup for travellers on the go



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